Your Public Speaking Manual: 5 tips to hone your skills

Your Public Speaking Manual: 5 tips to hone your skills


Public speaking is often seen as a notorious tongue-twister and word snatcher. As such, many individuals tend to elude Public Speaking at all costs. However, Public Speaking is quite manageable, and everyone is capable of delivering a good speech with adequate preparation and knowledge of the area. It is vital to ask the right questions, make the necessary notations, do the requisite research prior to doing Public Speaking. Here are a few tips in honing your Public Speaking skills:

1. Know Your Audience

It is imperative to understanding the persons to whom you will be delivering your speech. Having a good sense of the composition of your audience will dictate core elements of your presentation like diction, intonation, and other aspects of delivery. The following are useful factors to consider when doing a reconnaissance of your audience: age, socio-economic status, life experiences, gender, and nationality. The considered factors are not limited to the abovementioned as various speakers have varying approaches and may choose to include other factors. Considering these factors will help to mould your speech and determine your approach through the appropriate length, language, mode of delivery, channels and so on. For instance, if you are tasked with speaking to a group of 13-year-olds about “Anatomy of the Body”, it will defeat the purpose if you use medical jargons that are not generally understood. One would be inclined to use simpler diction and visual aid where applicable and necessary. However, for medical professionals, a similar speech could be tailored to include the jargon and would remain effective without visual aid, even.

2. Be inclusive

It helps to be relatable. It is innate for humans to be attracted to things, people and experiences that they can immediately relate to or understand. This will serve as the link between you, your audience, and your message. One can make a speech relatable through stories, anecdotes, music, and jokes. These will not only make the audience feel included but give the impetus for them to be attentive and remain interested. Nonetheless, it is crucial to utilise this element in moderation, and to be tactful.

3. Be Conversational

Many persons prepare a written speech beforehand. However, it is ineffective to write an academic format paper for speech delivery. It is essential to write the way you talk. Speak in a way that is immediately understood by your audience. If your audience cannot instantly get what is being said, then the purpose of public speaking is defeated. If the setting or circumstance permits, employ the use of adages and Jamaican dialect to bring your message across. However, ensure that whichever method of delivery you choose, you are also comfortable with it. This is key because your audience can easily detect abnormalities in speech or way of communication. On the other hand, successfully employing these techniques will aid your audience’s understanding of whatever you are trying to communicate.

4. PREPARE – Find your structure

It is extremely helpful to establish a structure for your speech. In that, have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. This will aid in a seamless flow of thoughts and ideas. The audience will be able to follow the conversation or speech with ease. It is vital that you start well because this sets the tone for the rest of the speech and your audience’s reaction. Begin with an attention-grabber – tell a story, relatable point, or interesting fact. Throughout your presentation, it is effective to emphasise where necessary. A good way to do this is through repetition. Additionally, in preparing, bear in mind that the brain remembers things in threes. If possible, present your topic considering the Rule of Three. Finally, always end how you start. Your introduction would have given an overview of what your speech will entail. Conclude by reminding your audience what you spoke about and why.

5. Practice

It is often said that “practice makes perfect.” There is always room for improvement so your speech may not be perfect, but practice will get you pretty close. Timing is critical. Practice and time yourself. If there are time constraints, ensure that you remain within them. Good timing is also beneficial to you and your audience. It enables an engaged audience, and it guarantees your message being received and understood. Also, practice by recording yourself. Is it easy to listen to? Is it easily understood? Is it relatable? Depending on your answer to these questions, make the necessary adjustments to ensure your speech is comprehensible and suitable.

Some other noteworthy tips include attention to greetings, consumption, comfort, alternatives, and punctuality. Ensure your greetings are concise and relevant. However, avoid the Public Speaking statement of woe, “All Protocols Observed.” Additionally, stay hydrated! Be prepared with a bottle of room temperature water to keep your throat moist while delivering. As well, ensure that you are comfortable. Dress for the occasion but also bear comfort in mind. You will also need to have a “backup plan” for every idea you have. There may be technical difficulties so always be prepared. Your PowerPoint presentation may not work, or laptop is unavailable, for instance, so bring a hard copy with your speech or points. Finally, be on time. Being punctual gives you time to settle, assimilate and be ultimately comfortable. It will allow you to make mental notes, adapt to the venue and pre-empt any other challenges that may arise.

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